International Shipping Cost

International shipping cost can vary dramatically based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help individuals and businesses budget appropriately for shipping goods overseas. Our Minimum Order Quantity Only 5 Pieces and Maximum 5000 Pieces. Worldwide Home Delivery for 5 Pieces to 500 Pieces by FedEx/DHL/UPS in 4/5 Days. Worldwide Port Delivery for 500 Pieces to 5000 Pieces By Sea in 15/20 Days.

Shipping Cost DHL, FedEx, UPS (From 0.5 KG to 31+ KG)

Shipping Cost from Bangladesh to Australia, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, GREECE, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran-Kara Express, Iraq – Risk country, Ireland, Israel-DHL Risk fee, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon-DHL Risk, Libya-Risk country, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia – Risk country, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan – Risk country, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria – Risk Country, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen-Risk country, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

FedEx/DHL/UPS/ARAMEX Home Delivery Cost Calculation:

You will get Unit Weight of Every Products in our website. For Getting Total Weight you have to Multiply Unit Weight by Total Quantity. If you know the total Weight you can Collect the Shipping Cost from any Shipping Company. You can use Shipping Company from your Side or Our Side.

FedEx/DHL/UPS/ARAMEX take Charges for Home delivery as per KG (Kilogram)

For Example If you want to take 5 Pieces Men’s T-Shirt and 5 Pieces Men’s Jeans Pant.

  1. The Weight of the Men’s T-Shirt 0.20 KG/Piece. So 5 Pieces Men’s T-Shirt Weight will be 0.20 KG/Piece X 5 Pieces = 1 KG
  2. The Weight of the Men’s Jeans Pant 0.80 KG/Piece. So 5 Pieces Men’s Jeans Pant Weight will be 0.80 KG/Piece X 5 Pieces = 4 KG

So Total Weight is 1 KG + 4 KG = 5 KG

Sea Freight Calculation:

1 CBM = 200 KG

KG/Piece X Quantity = Total Weight in KG

For Example If you want to take 500 Pieces Men’s T-Shirt and 100 Pieces Men’s Jeans Pant.

  1. The Weight of the Men’s T-Shirt 0.20 KG/Piece. So 500 Pieces Men’s T-Shirt Weight will be 0.20 KG/Piece X 500 Pieces = 100 KG
  2. The Weight of the Men’s Jeans Pant 0.80 KG/Piece. So 100 Pieces Men’s Jeans Pant Weight will be 0.80 KG/Piece X 100 Pieces = 80 KG

So Total Weight is 100 KG + 80 KG = 180 KG

Shipping Address for Worldwide Port Delivery

We need following information for the Home Delivery by FedEx/DHL/UPS/ARAMEX:

  1. Recipient’s Name:
  2. Address:
  3. City:
  4. State/ Province:
  5. Country:
  6. Zip/ Postal Code:
  7. Phone Number:

Shipping Address for Worldwide Port Delivery

We need following information for the Port Delivery By Sea:

  1. Contact Person:
  2. Company Name:
  3. Address:
  4. City:
  5. State/ Province:
  6. Country:
  7. Zip/ Postal Code:
  8. Phone Number: